
Repair Tips

Repair Tips

5 Signs Your AC System is About to Fail

5 Signs Your AC System is About to Fail

When air conditioning works efficiently, your indoor space remains comfortable. With proper maintenance, the system doesn’t consume a lot of energy and you hardly notice it is running. There are signs though, that your AC system is about to fail. This post highlights...
Proactive HVAC Repairs

Proactive HVAC Repairs

Proactive HVAC Repairs: What It Involves and Why You Should Do It The HVAC unit is probably the most important appliance in a home.  Without it, the house becomes unlivable and even becomes life-threatening.  But because it is usually out of sight, the HVAC remains...
The Truth About R22

The Truth About R22

If your HVAC system was installed before 2010, there is a good chance it uses HCFC-22 refrigerant or better known as R22. There are a lot of questions surrounding the EPA ban on R22 that went into effect on January 1, 2020. The facts are this, it is now illegal to...
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